Adverse Childhood Experiences, Serious Mental Illness/Substance Use Disorders and Tailoring FEP Programs to Serve Women

This webinar explores how we currently care for women with co-occurring first episode psychosis (FEP), serious mental illness (SMI), substance use disorder (SUD) and adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) in acute inpatient and outpatient settings; and, what questions remain in relation to treating this population of women with complex presentations. There is some research literature and epidemiological data describing gender differences, however, there is almost no evidence of translation of this information into current care practices. Educational needs of the healthcare workforce will also be addressed briefly. Specific observations from our treatment areas note that: (a) women are underrepresented (SAMHSA, 2014), (b) women leave treatment early, and (c) our environments are often experienced as re-traumatizing. Understanding processes that contribute to gender biases within the contexts of access and treatment is essential. Although we have identified short-comings, our plan is to highlight changes in education and care practices that have contributed positively to improved outcomes. In conclusion, we will identify specific knowledge gaps and potential areas for improvement from a research and clinical standpoint.

National Council for Mental Wellbeing
