CoE-IHS Office Hour: Addressing Cultural Denial to Improve Whole Health Outcomes in BIPOC Communities
Due to systemic marginalization, Black, Indigenous and people of color (BIPOC) communities are disproportionately affected by whole person health disparities. These communities often face barriers to equitable whole person health resources and may be more likely to experience untreated mental health, substance use and general health conditions. Additionally, systemic racism and other sources of discrimination can contribute to high levels of stress and trauma, which in turn can contribute to negative health outcomes and perpetuate a harmful cycle.
Addressing these disparities requires a commitment by health care organizations and providers to examine attitudes, beliefs, interactions, policies, structures and practices that deny the differences and strengths of BIPOC cultures.
Evidence shows that culturally responsive integrated care practices, policies, structures and attitudes that understand and affirm unique differences among BIPOC communities can improve whole health outcomes. These practices can include ensuring language access, providing culturally adaptive evidence-based programs, collecting diversity data, fostering cultural humility among staff and building community partnerships.
Join us for our office hour session on Wednesday, July 19, 3-4 p.m. ET, to engage in a conversation with health equity experts who will discuss outcomes and solutions for providing culturally responsive integrated care and contributing positively to health outcomes of BIPOC communities.