Karin Jeffers
Northampton, MA
Karin Jeffers, MS, LMHC, is president and CEO of Western Massachusetts-based nonprofit community behavioral health agency Clinical and Support Options Inc. (CSO). She has served in this role since 2005. During her tenure at the helm, the agency has grown from a $4 million organization with fewer than 90 employees across just three Western Massachusetts locations to what is now a $45 million agency with more than 750 employees at 20 locations across Western and Central Massachusetts. CSO’s service area includes both rural and urban settings, giving Jeffers a unique understanding of the challenges of service delivery and staffing across the spectrum of demographics. A major focus of development at CSO under Jeffers’ leadership has been the shift to a trauma-informed care (TIC) health care delivery system and a commitment to continuous quality improvement through a TIC lens. From 1992 through 2005, Jeffers worked at the Massachusetts Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children (MSPCC), beginning her career as a clinician and ending her tenure there as Western Massachusetts regional director.