Continuing Resolution Passed, CCBHC Webinar


On Thursday, Congress passed a short-term spending bill to avoid a government shutdown. The continuing resolution, will extend current government funding levels to February 18, 2022, with limited exceptions.  The legislation now goes to the President for his signature. 

Main Stories:   

  • Webinar on the Impact of CCBHCs 
  • House to Consider Opioid Legislation 
  • Congressional Hearing on Combatting Fentanyl-related Substances      
  • SAMHSA Extends the Methadone Take-Home Flexibility  

Attend a Webinar on the Impact of CCBHCs in Transforming Patient Care and Staff Training  

Join us on Wednesday, December 8, at 1 p.m. ET to learn about why states are turning to the CCBHC model as the gold standard of delivery system transformation, the opportunities the CCBHC model presents for clinics, and how clinics can improve staff training on the required CCBHC certification criteria. Register for the webinar below.

House to Consider Opioid Legislation

Lawmakers in the House will soon consider two opioid-focused bills out of the Energy and Commerce Committee. The Opioid Prescription Verification Act of 2021 (H.R. 2355) would incentivize states to facilitate “reasonable” and “informed” dispensing of controlled substances by maintaining a prescription drug monitoring program through grants. The Synthetic Opioid Danger Awareness Act (H.R. 2364) establishes a public education campaign to raise awareness about synthetic opioids. Synthetic opioids are the leading cause of opioid-involved deaths in the United States, causing over 36,000 deaths in 2019. These bills will help create tools to respond to the opioid crisis, which has seen a 30% increase in deaths by opioids from 2019 to 2020. 

Congressional Hearing on Combatting Fentanyl-related Substances 

Administration officials from the White House and agencies testified Thursday at the Subcommittee on Health of the House Committee on Energy and Commerce. The discussion included the heightened opioid crisis during the pandemic and the importance of key substance-use treatments.

SAMHSA Extends the Methadone Take-Home Flexibility

Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) recently announced that it is extending methadone take-home flexibilities for one year upon the expiration of the public health emergency for COVID-19. The exemption was part of SAMHSA’s efforts to reduce the risk of COVID-19 infections in March 2020, allowing providers of Opioid Treatment Programs to dispense up to 28 days of take-home methadone to patients. The announcement comes on the heels of the new Overdose Prevention Strategy from the Department of Health and Human Services. 


Learn How to Use Your Research Skills to Connect with Your Lawmaker. The Congressional Management Foundation is holding a webinar on December 14, 2021, at 3:00 PM EST. The webinar, titled “Using Research to Connect the Dots Between You and Your Lawmaker,” will explore strategies for using research to connect the dots between issues advocates care about to those that their Members of Congress care about. Register here today. 


2022 Congressional Calendar Released. House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer has published the chamber’s floor schedule for calendar year 2022. Click here to view next year’s schedule. 

Guest Author

Mollie Laird
Associate, Federal Policy
The National Council