Kimani Norrington-Sands, Ph.D
Licensed Clinical Psychologist,
Kimani Norrington-Sands, Ph.D., is a Licensed Clinical Psychologist who practices in Los Angeles. Dr. Norrington-Sands is a Magna Cum Laude Graduate of Spelman College. She received her Master’s and Doctorate Degrees in Clinical Psychology with an Emphasis in Multicultural Community-Clinical Issues from California School of Professional Psychology. Her professional experience has included work in community-based agencies and schools.
For 13 years, Dr. Norrington-Sands worked for Los Angeles Unified School District performing duties such as: providing psychotherapy and mental health consultation; conducting suicide as well as threat risk assessments (received a Crisis Team Member of the Year Award); developing safety plans; reviewing contracts for school-based mental health providers; providing feedback on the revision of District bulletins; as well as developing and facilitating trainings. In recognition of the significant impact that cultural contextual issues have on ways that trauma develops, maintains and perpetuates, Dr. Norrington-Sands co-developed and facilitated a well-received interactive school staff training entitled, “Cultural Context & Trauma: Implications for Students.” Dr. Norrington-Sands also co-developed and provided a workshop for parents/guardians within a cultural context which focuses on ways that parents/guardians can support their child(ren) as well as practice self-care for themselves. To ensure that student voices were accurately represented in an area that students have expressed interest in receiving more information about, Dr. Norrington-Sands conducted a focus group with high school students and developed a presentation focusing on issues of mental health and wellness. Issues of mental health and wellness have also been addressed in a Black Child Suicide paper that Dr. Norrington-Sands wrote in collaboration with Colleagues and The Association of Black Psychologists. This paper was recently presented at a Congressional Black Caucus Hearing as part of the Emergency Taskforce on Black Youth Suicide and Mental Health.
After resigning from Los Angeles Unified School District, Dr. Norrington-Sands has worked in her private practice providing psychotherapy, conducting trauma trainings (including Black Youth & Suicide), administering psychological testing, as well as serving as a Panelist, Mental Health Consultant and Mental Health Presenter. Dr. Norrington-Sands has also created a YouTube Channel (Lifting as We Climb Consulting Wellness Services) which focuses on supporting the healing of Black Women from toxic jobs. Due to the large numbers of Black Women who have reached out to Dr. Norrington-Sands about their own experiences in toxic jobs, Dr. Norrington-Sands started the Black Women Healing from Toxic Jobs Coaching Program. This Coaching Program is based upon a curriculum developed by Dr. Norrington-Sands and informed by her own experiences in a toxic job as well as professional work as a Licensed Clinical Psychologist.
The Latest from Kimani Norrington-Sands, Ph.D
CoE-IHS Office Hour: Workforce Development & Psychological Safety among BIPOC Women in LeadershipMar 29, 2023 | 5:00 pm - 6:00 pm
Creating psychologically safe workspaces for all employees, particularly women of color, is critical to ensure diverse leadership within an organization.